
Gamebadges unites 9 beneficiaries and over 20 associated partners from nine different countries in total. The associated partners are reserved an important role in participating and contributing to project activities, such as competence map update and co-creation of the badge ecosystem.
Gamebadges project partners and workshop participants
Picture: Project partners in Kickoff event on 9th of April 2024. [Picture by Suvi Kiviniemi]


Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Metropolia is the coordinator of the project and brings expertise in both project management and game education to the project. Metropolia offers game related studies and hosts an incubator program for early-stage game companies and teams. Metropolia also coordinated the project during which the original Competence Map was created.

LUCA School of Arts (Belgium)
LUCA contributes expertise in arts education and game design, along with academic research competence. Hosting the only Master of Arts program in Game Design in Flemish Belgium, LUCA maintains strong ties with the Flemish Game Industry and runs the Meaningful Play research cluster, integrating research and educational concerns.

Wallonia Games Association (Belgium)
WALGA represents the Belgian game industry. They support project outcomes distribution and offer insights into the industry landscape. Active in various game events, they have a platform to market project results and are part of Belgian Games, representing the sector in Wallonia.

Univerzita Karlova (Czechia)
Bringing academic excellence and research capabilities, Charles University has extensive experience in multidisciplinary game development education. With a focus on incorporating research results into teaching, they ensure involvement of staff and students in international projects, reflecting their strong research policy.

Asociace Českých Herních Vývojářů (Czechia)
Representing the Czech game development community, Game Developers Association GDACZ collaborates closely with both academic partners and game companies. They provide insights into game industry dynamics and facilitate dialogue on employment and skills. They also have a broad overview of national and EU initiatives.

Erhvervsakademi Dania (Denmark)
Dania Academy offers educational perspectives and fosters cross-cultural exchange, with strong ties to game education and industry in Denmark and Europe. Their expertise in game education, particularly in game programming, production management, and entrepreneurship, is invaluable for the project.

Viden Djurs (Denmark)
Contributing expertise in vocational training, this 3D College has a strong network with game companies in Denmark. They aim to create study paths from vocational to higher education using earned badges, in collaboration with Dania.

Neogames Finland (Finland)
Neogames serves as a hub of the Finnish Game Industry, with connections to Nordic and European game companies. Actively involved in industry bodies and ministries, they maintain a wide network beneficial for the project.

Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht (Netherland)
A vocational education and training (VET) provider in the Netherlands, offering educational resources and facilitating pilot course implementation. With a focus on competence-based evaluation and collaboration with industry, they bring valuable experience to the project development.