During the first half of 2024, Gamebadges has evaluated the existing version of the Game Industry Competence Map through surveys and interviews. Based on this information, a new prototype has been built, and it’s now waiting for comments from industry…

News (page 2)
Updating the Competence Map
Gamebadges is updating its Competence Map to align with the evolving needs of the game industry. This update includes new categories like green skills and entrepreneurial skills, based on feedback from game professionals and educators. The revised Competence Map will be published by the end of 2024.
Empowering Game Professionals with Digital Credentials
In February 2024, the Gamebadges project launched its work pioneering a Europe-wide competence-based Open Badge ecosystem tailored for the game industry and game education. Coordinated by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and executed by nine partners, the project seeks to…