Gamebadges held an Expert Insights workshop at the Europe’s biggest game developer conference, devcom Developer Conference, in August. Devcom gathered around 5,000 people related to the game industry from 83 countries to Cologne, Germany.
Expert Insights workshop
Aim of the workshop was to reach industry experts and collaboratively, between different experts, define and write competence descriptions for the upcoming Competence Map and Open Badges. The workshop started with a short introduction to the project and an overview of the current state of development by Project Manager Saija Heinonen (Metropolia UAS). After the presentation participants had the opportunity to ask questions before group collaboration started.

The workshop gathered experts from four different fields: Programming, design, production and business. During the workshop the experts were divided in groups and given two tasks: to comment the current development version of the Competence Map and to evaluate and define competence goals inside the Map. With the help of these insights the Gamebadges project crew continue the update process.

The work continues
Development of the badges and the Competence Map continue throughout the year 2024. Next phase is to compile all data and feedback that is collected so far, redefine the Competence Map as a mind map, and draft the updated version of the competence goals. The new version of the Map is set to launch next winter.
A following round of feedback will be collected via focus group interviews for professionals and game educators during the autumn season. In addition, we plan to organize next Expert Insights workshop later this autumn. Information about it will be published later on. Follow Gamebadges on LinkedIn to get notifications of future events and opportunities!