Gamebadges crew, Saija & Ria (from Metropolia), participated at Game Industry Conference in Poznan, Poland and hosted a workshop on Saturday 26th of October.

In our workshop, game design, production & business and game art and audio professionals gathered up to define and write down the competence goals for different skill sets. The work contributes to the second version of the Competence Map that serves as a basis for the open badges.

Gamebadges would like to humbly thank all workshop participants, you were great!
The work continues now with focus group interviews – see our other posts for this topic.

GIC hosts an event with presentations and workshops tailored specifically for professionals in the game industry, and expected over 3.500 attendees and 250 speakers from more than 50 countries for this year’s event. Gamebadges crew would also like to thank the Game Industry Conference for providing the opportunity to host a workshop in Poznan during the event.