Gamebadges is developing a competence-based open badge ecosystem for the European Game Industry, and your input is essential – Welcome to the Gamebadges Poll! In this poll, we are identifying the most important competences for each role. These polls are primarily for game industry…

Author: Elina Tyynelä
First round of stakeholder group meetings
The Gamebadges project began sharing updates with its stakeholder groups in autumn 2024. Keeping key stakeholders, such as educational institutions offering game education and game companies, informed from the project’s early stages is important for the project. Equally important is…
Gamebadges at a game jam
Gamebadges project started at the beginning of February 2024. In our first 11 months, Gamebadges has been visiting events like Devcom, Game Industry Conference (GIC) and Game Developers Conference (GDS), but our partners have also been introducing our projects in…
Next stop: Game Developers Session in Prague Dec 13-14th!
On GDS Prague we will have a panel discussion, the first evaluator workshop, and a booth. Join us to define the game industry competences!
Greetings from GIC24
Gamebadges crew, Saija & Ria (from Metropolia), participated at Game Industry Conference in Poznan, Poland and hosted a workshop on Saturday 26th of October. In our workshop, game design, production & business and game art and audio professionals gathered up…