Updating the Competence Map

Gamebadges is updating its Competence Map to align with the evolving needs of the game industry. This update includes new categories like green skills and entrepreneurial skills, based on feedback from game professionals and educators. The revised Competence Map will be published by the end of 2024.

Gamebadges has taken a step forward in enhancing the game industry Competence Map that was originally published in 2020. Currently the update needs are mapped out by gathering feedback through surveys and interviews.

The project aims to create a more accurate and comprehensive Competence Map in two phases: In the first phase collected data is transferred into a new map prototype and reviewed with game industry professionals. In the second phase new map platforms are researched and content updated. The new Competence Map is aimed to be published by the end of 2024.

Notebook, papers and a laptop

Launching with a Survey 

Gamebadges started the development of the Competence Map by conducting a detailed survey aimed at game professionals and educators. This survey gained responses from nearly 40 people across seven European countries and the United States.

Participants were asked to evaluate both the Competence Map’s general structure as well as the existing competence descriptions. Most respondents found the structure to be quite accurate. However, while feedback came from several professional categories, the need for more in-depth insights led us to continue the work by organizing interviews that could provide more detailed knowledge of the update needs. 

Deepening Insights Through Interviews and Workshops 

Online meeting, one person visible in computer screen, another writing notes by a desk

Gamebadges has so far organized 20 interviews to gather more comprehensive feedback. These interviews provided important data, contributing to the development of a second version of the Map. This updated version will also include new categories, like green skills and entrepreneurial skills.

Moving forward, the iteration process will continue with drafting new versions and collecting further feedback. This autumn, Gamebadges will host workshops to gather suggestions for competence goals, ensuring the Competence Map evolves with industry needs.